Thursday 20 February 2020

Imposter Witch: A Struggle with Acceptance

If you saw my post on Instagram about my struggle with impostor syndrome in terms of my spiritual practice, this post is a continuation of that conversation and I am going to dig a little deeper. In writing about this I hope I can help myself heal, which in fact is why I became a witch in the first place.

When I say or think about being a witch I am immediately met with mental resistance and a narrative begins in a very critical voice listing off the many, many reasons why I am not/cannot be a witch;
"You're not a witch you don't hex or curse people nor do you want to."
"You're not a witch you don't read the tarot or even consistently do divination."
"You're not a witch you don't do spells for everything."
"You're not a witch you're too meek."
"Doing witchcraft is manipulation, and that is selfish and wrong, who the hell do you think you are?"

I instantly become overwhelmed and uncomfortable, retreating further into myself saddened that I will never become like those witches I so admire, never be equal, never be a "real" witch.

I've been sitting with this critical voice tonight and this narrative stems a lot from mental conditioning that comes from my codependency issues. A longing to be seen and accepted as you are, but codependency is desperately afraid of rejection and abandonment so it seeks to cultivate an acceptable though false image. "This is what other witches do/practice so this is what is acceptable, this is what I must be". But the truth of who are are cannot live nor bear this falsehood, a carefully sculpted, crumbling mask of cracked clay whose flicks of dust blind one's eyes to the truth, this isn't who you are.

I never went looking for witchcraft, I never had that teenage phase, I never saw the cult classic witch movies, I watched "Charmed" but I was more enamoured by the bonds of sisterhood than the actual magic. It wasn't until my early 20's that I stumbled across witchcraft when I was looking for something else entirely. Like many, I came via the road of neo-Wicca, at the time it fit my spiritual views, I had always believed that God had a wife, so the duotheism made sense to me. 'Solitary Witch' by Silver Ravenwolf was my first witch book, and there was a particular passage that I can honestly say changed my life:

"Being a witch has nothing to do with spells, rituals, and unusual clothes - they are the fun stuff. To be a witch is to desire personal transformation. Being a witch means to want to work every day to be a better person. To be a witch, you must be brave enough to face everything inside of yourself and have the courage to change the things to don't like."

I still remember the moment I read those words, sobbing my heart out on my bedroom floor feeling like for the first time in my life I could have some kind of control, those words empowered me, I was young and broken in a dark place, out on the other side of an abusive relationship. It was like someone had lit a lantern up and I could see a way forward, a way to help myself, heal myself. No, I'm not condoning witchcraft should be a replacement from professional medical help, geez. I'm saying that it was enough to shift my perspective and gave me something to focus on and work with. It gave my life a sense of meaning, it opened me up again, to trust life again.

Why am I telling you all this, honestly I don't know, I guess I'm trying to remember why I called myself a witch in the first place, trying to retrace my step back to the point where everything fell apart and I become the struggling being writing these words to you. Honestly, all of this is hard to admit, let alone write about and I've probably debted deleted this whole post several times. It's hard to look back as see a person who was seemingly more happy then they are now (they weren't, not really). I guess I have some digging to do folks!

Greene Blessings 🍀


Tuesday 28 May 2019

Choosing you own Correspondences

Days 28 Plant Spirit Ally Challenge by Hagstone Publishing

If you open any magical book about plants you are bound to find a section listing the folk names and properties of each plant. Correspondences are one of the first things we learn as beginners. Think of a list of correspondence as a kind of resume (C.V for my fellow U.K folk) for a plant. It's a good starting point in introducing us to a plant so we can get an idea of what we are working with and what it can bring to the table. This gives us a foundation to build upon in cultivating our relationship with plants.

Once we familiarize ourselves with these correspondences, we can go even further and look into how and why a plant is given its qualities, rather simply accepting a given list at face value. This also deepens our connection to the plants, giving us a new level of understanding, and even give us some insight into the relationships our ancestors had with them, giving us a connecting to the past.

But at some point in the relationship we've cultivated with our plant allies we discover our own personal connections and correspondences, for example, personally, I associate Peppermint with happiness and comfort. It's one of my favourites flavours and I have many fond memories using it making peppermint cremes, eating chocolate chip ice cream or being giving mint sweets as an after school treat. It has been an ever-present comfort in my childhood too, soothing my during my motion sickness on long car rides, settling painful bloating, even just inhaling its scent brings me back into my body and into the present moment.

Also, your plant allies may reveal to you correspondences that aren't in any book! Plants are people too, they have their own secrets and stories, quirks and personalities. Trust your gut/intuition, alot of your work with plants spirits is using this subtle yet powerful ability and learning how this power communicate for you is an important step. Intuition is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. Do simple exercises every day you work out your intuition. Use it to make simple decisions, pick out two outfits and ask your intuition which one should I wear. Then see if you notice anything shift within you. Be patient with yourself, like exercising a physical muscle it's going to take time and dedication before your intuition will be swoll! The idea is you want to get a sense and feel of your intuition so you can tell it apart from your emotions, mental chattering and other distractions.

I hope you found this post helpful!

Greenest of Blessings